UK: Workplace violence remains serious threat

Although the incidence of fatal workplace accidents has halved in the UK over the last twenty years the previous downward trend in non-fatal accidents has come to an end in recent years. In 2014-15, the latest year for which data is available, the number of non-fatal injuries was 76,054, whilst in 2013-14 the number was only slightly higher at 78,671. The incidence of workplace violence is much higher than for injuries, but has also been remarkably stable in recent years. In each year since 2011 there has been just over a quarter of a million reported threats of violence in UK workplaces and a similar number of actual assaults. Reported violence affects 1.1% of women and 1.3% of men and in 55% of cases the offender was a stranger. However, actual incidents are likely to be three to four times higher than reported incidents, especially where there are no controls on access to premises.

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