Representation and bargaining

Collective bargaining, employee representation, employer organisations, trade unions, industrial action.

Kenya :: Trade unions and employer organisations

◉ Trade unions The Central Organization of Trade Unions is the national trade union federation in Kenya …

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Kenya :: Recognition of trade unions

An employer must recognise a trade union for the purposes of collective bargaining if the trade union in question represents the simple majority of unionisable employees (employees who are eligible for trade union membership) …

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Kenya :: Industrial action

◉ Lawful strikes and lock-outs A worker is allowed to participate in a strike or lock-out however certain conditions must be fulfilled: The reason for the strike concerns employment terms and conditions or the recognition of a trade union; The dispute has not been resolved after conciliation; and Seven days of written notice has been given to the other parties, and to the Minister of Labour by the trade union (in cases of strikes) and employer, group of employers or employers’ organisation (in cases of lock-outs) …

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Kenya :: Employee representation

◉ Trade union representatives  A recognition agreement will lay down provisions for trade union members in the workplace to elect from amongst themselves trade union representatives …

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Kenya :: Collective agreements

An employer, group of employers or an employers’ organisation that has recognised a trade union will conclude a collective agreement with the recognised trade union …

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