FedEE Blog

Flying steerage

It has now been several years since I stopped flying business class and the cost saving has been worth it. I even go long haul economy class and am now quite used to it. In fact, if you are prepared

Mortal insights

I had a first-hand opportunity to see a critical service industry at work last week here in the middle of China and if it had been functioning in the west it would probably have left me dead.

If you are

The Great and The Good

I suppose someone needs to address the big picture – but the big picture tends to be so big it shapes itself. I was not at The Davos World Economic Forum last week. Valuable for networking no doubt, but competing

Letter from Changsha

As I take the morning bus here in mainland China I see so many of my fellow passengers falling asleep as they bump along the city streets. Everyone seems to work long hours here and many do so through the

When in Rome …..

Many of us in the west have probably attended classes in how to do business in other countries and have therefore devoutly placed two hands together to present our business cards to our hosts during a trip to Shanghai. But

Who is who?

Although the majority of business-to-business communication is carried out via email, companies continue to treat an individual’s email address as if it was guarding some dangerous state secret. All kinds of protections now exist to prevent unwanted emails, yet many

Getting to grips

Human resource practitioners are tasked with struggling to keep fully effective the most complex and unpredictable components in the vast machine of enterprise – the people within it. Yet nowhere in the required reading about occupational psychology is the task

What FedEE’s business network can do for you

Every age has its scientific breakthroughs and new technologies that surprise the world – but the true pioneers who make an impact are the people who take the discoveries and put them to lasting practical use.

FedEE’s new head

Living with risks

Risk is not confined to people in physically dangerous jobs. Everyone of us takes a significant risk every time we walk out of the door. Of course, risk is not just about physical injuries, but also to the threat of

Our daily duel with uncertainty

Not a day goes by when a publication somewhere does not report a “knee jerk reaction” by decision makers. The latest articles relate to OPEC’s decisions about oil pricing, and how football club owners are dealing with a string of

This Be The Worse

There is a pamphlet published by UNESCO on my bookshelf dating from 1953. It contains probably the best explanation I have ever come across about why people discriminate. “The Roots of Prejudice” by Professor Arnold Rose explains that the incitement

Shipwrecked by the laughter

I have been watching TV footage from the G20 Summit in Australia this week and was shocked to see the face of the Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as he suffered a torrent of criticism over Russia’s involvement in the

Sidelining the world

As the world looks back 100 years to the start of the Great War it is tempting to see all kinds of parallels emerging now upon the world stage. Employers may try to detach themselves from politics and the macro-economic

The truth in masquerade

I am going to talk about a little word called “trust”. Many people demand it, but few can be trusted. I have probably met only a handful of people in my life whom I can genuinely trust and there have

To give or not to give – that is the question

I once had some visitors from Japan and Saudi Arabia. At the end of the trip I presented each of them with a bottle of single malt whisky. There was a stunned silence and all three stepped quickly into the