FedEE Blog

Less is sometimes more

Why is our life so busy whilst all around us people seem to be coasting through their day? I think everyone has sensed the same concern at some time without necessarily articulating it.

I was standing at a station last

Your colleague is a stranger

One thing I think HR departments will all agree is that the next generation of millennial recruits will not stick around so readily as previous generations. Loyalty is going to become increasingly an issue – particularly as we move beyond

Passing storms

I suppose most of us have heroes. Family members who served in wars (curiously always for the winning side), great sportsmen or women or even hollywood film stars. I have many – but most are long forgotten. There is Rachel

Camino Real Inc – will the Fugitivo ever need to leave town?

It was twenty five years this June that heralded in a new era in Eastern Europe. The quiet revolution saw Solidarity win all but one parliamentary seat in the country’s first ever free elections. The rest is history – as

Canst thou remember a time before we came unto this cell?

The wearing of wigs says it all. Law may be the one thing saving us from chaos, but it sustains itself through a false, pompous and outmoded sham.

The problems about laws is the people who make them, enforce them

Spirit dull as night and affections dark

I still walk before the evil eye of the media – even though it is often an uncomfortable experience. People who yearn for the glamour of media attention ought to experience the reality of it. This morning I was being

Only Connect

I was reminded the other day how important indirect communication can be in business. A chance remark to an HR manager I have known for many years led to an email out of the blue from one of their friends

All change for the HR career express

The relative rate of change in economic growth across the world during the current recovery period could have profound consequences, especially for the HR function.

According to the United Nations, growth between 2007 and 2015 in the developed economies will

The truth test

Running beyond the last straggle of buildings in Wells, England’s smallest free-standing city, is a path into the fields. As you walk its length the landscape opens up and suddenly you realize you have reached that point where natural beauty

Why organisations cannot do without HR

Many years ago I was a “company doctor” helping companies recover from trading losses and avoid liquidation. Most of them had lost their way, tried to buy new business through expensive advertising, diversified too much away from their core competences

Somewhere here is the future

It’s a curious fact that although technology is a globalised phenomenon, what people do with it is a very different matter.

I am here in Changsha, Hunan Province. Don’t worry if you have never heard of it. You will almost

Operating by the small print

I was recently informed by a company that the reason they did not offer the service I assumed was a key element in their service provision was because they excluded it in the ‘small print’ of their terms and conditions.

The new globalization

There has been much talk for years about globalization – but only recently has its inevitability and benefits been fully realized. In the past it was often used as a pejorative term associated with the exploitation of labour in the

As good as it gets

I was asked the other day what the high point of my professional life has been. These questions are always difficult to answer when you have had such an eventful life as mine. Certainly being a young journalist covering the

Facing up to the “P” word

The recent economically damaging Swiss vote to limit the flow of foreigners from the European Union and posturing by the UK government and European Commission over the forthcoming referendum about Scottish independence just brings home to me the sad fact