
Recruitment, training, employment contracts, post-termination non-compete clauses, varying a contract of employment.

France :: Fixed-term and temporary contracts (CDD)

◉ Statutory limitations on use and duration The use of fixed-term and temporary contracts is limited by law to executives, older workers, temporary replacement of absent employees, temporary increase in workload, seasonal tasks, to carry out certain state-funded contracts or ‘exceptional circumstances’ (Article L1242-2 Labour Code) …

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France :: Financial aid for companies

Generation contracts Under the law on ‘contracts de generation’ (generation contracts), companies that maintain the employment of a senior employee whilst hiring a young employee may receive financial aid in the amount of 4,000 euros per year …

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France :: Employment contracts

Written particulars Under French law, employment contracts are regarded as permanent (CDI), unless it can lawfully be established that they are temporary or fixed-term (CDD) …

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France :: Criminal records

Employers are entitled to request details of an individual’s criminal record if it is of direct relevance to the post being filled …

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France :: Apprenticeship agreements

An apprenticeship agreement is a particular type of employment contract entered into by an apprentice and an employer …

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