Without Prejudice – Full Movie

Going to Court may seem a solution, but are there any winners in this game?

Anu finds a welcome on her first day with her new employer Novus Premier Group. But relations with her new boss , Peggy Allen, get off to a bad start and then the company begins to suspect that she is leaking sensitive information to her trade union. When she is switched to a new role and asked to wear a uniform by Beverley , the company’s HR Director, Anu goes on long-term sick leave and is eventually invited to take voluntary redundancy. Peggy finds that she is being taken to an employment tribunal accused of racial discrimination and Anu refuses to take advice from her union to accept a settlement or the offer of mediation.  In the tribunal case that follows both parties begin to believe that they have got things wrong and have deep regrets.

Cast: Shareen Marin as Anu, Tracey Donnelly as Peggy Allen, Isobel Collyer as Beverley, Simon Slater as Vincent, Adam Kotz as Gerald, Jenna Sharpe as Miss Regal, Bob Tomlinson (who is a professional lawyer)  as Tribunal Chairman, Beth Waite as Sian, David Tute as Gordon, Duncan Mack as John Cowan and other supporting actors.

Script Writer: Peter Waddington, Producer: Adam Kotz, Director: Miranda Howard Williams, Executive Producer: Robin Chater, Associate Producer: Nilam Vyas , Director of Photography: Jonathan Brinton, Editing: Briton TV, Music by Slater Music and thanks to for all the full supporting crew.

Acknowledgements: We should like to thank the UK Court Service for giving guidance and access to Tribunal Chairpersons and UK courtrooms, Newbury College and Gardner Leader Solicitors for access to facilities and for the support of ACAS and the TUC in making the film.

All worldwide rights are strictly reserved. The Federation of International Employers was formerly the Federation of European Employers. Without Prejudice itself may now be viewed online rather than through a DVD. Although individuals may view it without restriction, both the video “Without Prejudice” and the follow-up “Discussion Video” may be used for employee training and broadcast only with the prior permission of the Federation of International Employers (FedEE).

Copyright: FedEE International Inc. 2020 onwards.