
Terminating employment, notice periods, termination payments and rights to references.

Greece :: Unfair dismissal

Law 4611/2019 that became effective on May 17th 2019 requires that employers must provide valid business-related justifications for dismissing anyone on an indefinite term employment contract …

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Greece :: Termination

In the case of permanent employment contracts, Law 4611/2019 changed the law to require employers to provide valid business-related justifications for dismissal …

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Greece :: Severance pay

Severance pay for blue-collar workers varies as follows: No severance for workers with less than 1 year’s service; 7 days’ wages for between 1 and 2 years’ service; 15 days’ wages for between 2 and 5 years’ service; 30 days’ wages for between 5 and 10 years’ service; 60 days’ wages for between 10 and 15 years’ service; 100 days’ wages for 15 to 20 years’ service; 120 days’ wages for 20 to 25 years’ service; 145 days’ wages for 25 to 30 years’ service; 165 days’ wages for 30+ years of service …

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Greece :: Notice periods

In Greece a written notice must always be provided, irrespective of the type of contract …

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Greece :: Collective redundancy

The thresholds for defining a collective redundancy are: Over a period of 30 days: – at least 10 in establishments normally employing more than 20 and less than 100 workers, – at least 10 % of the number of workers in establishments normally employing at least 100 but less than 300 workers, – at least 30 in establishments normally employing 300 workers or more (with some qualifications) …

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