European Union
An overview of the EU
Overview of EU employment law, structure of the EU institutions, legislative framework, the European Court of Justice
Information on discrimination and harassment laws, equal opportunities and equal pay under EU law.
European Court of Justice
Latest items of recent news relevant to European Court of Justice as reported in our fortnightly newswire 'Dernières nouvelles'.
Health and safety
EU rules on health and safety in the workplace and the protection of workers.
Key legislation and links
Links to primary legislation, useful websites, official forms and guidance and other external resources.
Information on annual leave, sick leave, maternity, paternity and parental leave, public holidays and other leave.
Other employment law issues
Disciplinary and grievance procedures, internal rules, employment records, transfer of undertakings.
Pensions, social security and taxation
Information on retirement, pensions, income tax, social security and taxation of benefits.
Privacy at work
Information on data protection in the workplace, employee monitoring, surveillance and employee duties of confidentiality.
Recent EU news
Latest items of recent news relevant to the European Union as reported in our fortnightly newswire.
Information on basic pay, minimum wages, bonuses, employee benefits and rules concerning the payment of wages.
Representation and bargaining
Collective bargaining, employee representation, employer organisations, trade unions, industrial action.
Recruitment, training, employment contracts, post-termination non-compete clauses, varying a contract of employment.
Terminating employment, notice periods, termination payments and rights to references.
Transfer of undertakings
EU rules on business transfers and the protection of employment
Work and residence permits
Employing foreign nationals, applying for work and residence permits, business visas.
Working time
Standard working time, night work, overtime, rest periods, young workers.